Foundation keeping it real-ly cheap Just a reminder that where all the other nights are falling by the wayside as the student exodus begins, and ultimate leisure and the greedy companies (even weatherspoons!)sap every last penny out of your pockets. DECEMBER means party time, NOT SCROOGE time!! SMILE & STONELOVE are staying for their weekly slots. NO DOOR PRICE INCREASES, NO DRINK PRICE INCREASES!! SMILE - Monday's (£2 on the door, £1.50 a drink (ANY DRINK)) (Funky house in main room, Hip hop & r'n'b in the loft) STONELOVE - Thursday's (£4 on the door (£2 with stamped flyer from stereo on the night!!) Bottles beer from £1.50, jd & mix £2.50, dble smirnoff & mix £3) MERRY XMAS FROM EVERY ONE AT FOUNDATION X
whats on a tuesday night? i.e. tomorrow - staff party down the quayside.....need somewhere to go afterwards!
Lol yeah I will come along Oh my god I havent spoke 2 u since then! :blush: :blush: I woke up on saturday morning and went...oh my god i was being so fucking mortal last night... I got got in revolution...those fucking shots..."I'll have four pls.." "U can just have 6 for a fiver" "Oh, why not?" Hmmm.... Didnt actually feel to bad on saturday.. Chloe..on the other hand