fitting car alarm systems anywhere good for fitting alarm systems? i want one with key fob central locking and i'm looking on ebay for a good deal, but i'm going to need somewhere to actually fit it. how much would it cost roughly? alternatively, do you know anywhere that does good deals allround which supply and fit the system? cheers
Re: fitting car alarm systems nass mate not many places will fit a system you have bought and if you want a central locking you will need it fitted if ya motor dont already had it and i got qouted at one in shields for a cat 1 alarm with central locking system for round about 350 quit but like i said i dont know of many garages who will fit your own gear for you you could try a mobile fitter from the yellow pages
jay - my car has central locking but i need to use the key in the door to pop the other locks, the motors are all there i just need to find somewhere that'll fit an alarm i've bought. i can get them dead cheap on the net.
like i say your best of trying the mobile ones out of the yellow pages first m8 as you may hit lucky and get one who is cheap as they have just went self employed etc or the other option is bring it me at college but i will warn up now i havnt covered the car electrical systems yet and need a car to practice i mean work on
I've bought one, I can't afford to buy and fit both at 'garage' rates - there must be somewhere/someone who can do it and i'd give them £50/60. It takes about 4-5 hours ish for this one. To give you an idea, to supply and fit this one off their official website it's £300. I bought the thing for £59 including postage which was £9.
For the sake of knocking £50 a year off my insurance i'm not arsed my mate got a TOAD alarm fitted professionally onto a 1.2 Punto and that's all they gave him. i just need someone to fit this alarm.
try tomorrows world on the coast road- they supplied and fitted an alarm for me for £200- wired it into the cetral locking so just had to use the 1 button for everything.