lol.. with xmas and other shit hammering my bank, ive had nothing spare to buy my regular wax fix. This has been thought of already this week... 4 brand new tunes to play that ive had for months done deal
every time i hav a mix it happens...there always a tune that shouts 'oi',look at me. so i pick it out......sh1te....2 unlimited,no limits WTF??????
I still know more or less everything I have. Got too good a memory/not enough records to be able to forget I have stuff. I had a massive wishlist on Juno a few weeks back too, cleared it for my birthday
this seems to happen to me on a regular basis. just mix the track i like but if my cousin comes round and i hop in the bath he always puts the decks on and i can guarantee he'l mix a track ive either never heard or hardly play so i find myself finding belta tracks from the back of the rack
ive done this a couple times, nearly bought records twice aswell, havent so far touch wood. other end of the scale, i regularly can't find some vinyls i know i have, which pisses me off, always end up finding them a couple of months later in the wrong place or summat lol
personaly im a horder...not of shite...ive a fare few tracks twice,mainly acid house,breakbeat rave stuff...but i like to add to my collection the amount is gettin a bit piss taken but my lass says 'more the better' COOL
when you buy 20+ at a time it gets hard like its got nowt to do with the beans like, my memory is working perfectly still :laugh:
Si - I've not got that 2020 track, no. I don't have that many pre-2003 20:20 tracks to be honest, it was then I developed the obsessin with them. I'm with Luke on this one, I know what I have, and I get pissed off when I look for stuff and can't find it :evil:
i lost my copy of day one for 6 months+, id accidently put it in with mauro picotto - others lp, easy mistake to make seeing as its just in an inner sleeve and not a proper disco bag