Fergie at Global Has there ever been a quicker dance floor evacuation in the history of clubland? oh dear
A tell you what like NEVER have i EVER seen a DJ play as shit / shocking / bad as Fergie - sort it fucking out
bad crack i usually like fergie but last nite he was gash he was erm 'slightly tipsy' when we saw him outside b4 he went on :spangled:
sorry. i dont know how many times i said this but he was total fucking shit. ive never seen a dj take the piss out of himself as much as that in my life. it was a fuckin discrace
He took the piss pure and simple. His style just doesnt cut it for a main arena anymore. In another arena he may have went down resonably well. The 80's vocally thingy was sheer gash. He shouldnt b allowed anywhere near the main arena next year or any main arena for quite a while lol
what the fuck was that he played at the start of the set... fuckin terrible. I though it had to get better, but it didnt. i ended up sitting down waiting for halliwell to start, while i watched every1 get bored and head for the door... fergie, hate to say it but that was shite.
lol i was sitting at the side of the tent calling him worse than shit all the way through his set...It was worst set i've ever heard live
Just listened to this - absolutely terrible. He was supposed to be the new Tony de Vit but he's totally lost it. Kept doing really shit loops on the CDJ, what people do when they 1st get them