FAO Strawberry Kitten As its me 1000th post its dedicated to you Not long babe - hoping can shake this cold off *cough sniff* One's arriving bout 8:10pm Friday alreet !!
lol@Ones arriving!! Aw thank you for my fao - think this is my first You better shake that cold off or is it your excuss for playing doctors and nurses at w/e? *Head baord = cass = across room?*
LMFAO @ THIS HA HA HA HA HA I still laugh now thinkin bout that Is it gonna be towels to the decks or is it them fingers that ya used to be able to buy n stick on ya car boot ull know what i mean coz they were wrapped round Docs n Nurses sounds alreet like - make sure there nee Umbrella's knocking about tho ok - i told ya on msn before that the thought of them worries me
HA HA HA - Andy has a HUAGE umberella he uses for golf!!! Might have to be the towels my head board weighs a tone!!! Id like to see you run with that! And doc's and nurses - How's about cyber sex? Id love to see you in my dress and fluffies!!!
I still have me Cyber Top I maybe able to dust it down n bring it That would be classed as real Cyber Sex then wouldnt i ?? Keep the Furry Boots - i can see a request for summit with u wearing them comin along - thats if when im pissed i dont try n hump them
Why do you like humping furry things? Im getting quite worried babe!! Hmmm one will get that underwear from Anne Summers and just you wait!!! But for now - bring your top and we'll have cyber sex! Shall one wear just her fluffies?
Me dont just hump any Furry Thing :eek Anyways my hearts in one place now and ya know it - u never know with me Visa un touched i may buy that Ann Summers stuff this weekend for ya if ya good lass If not then its Egypt when it will make its Debut me thinks - it will be worth the wait like but make sure there nee rag heads or cammels lookin alreet
I wont let ya use your Visa!!! Egypt it is - although i hope the Air con is working!!! :s Wait till you see it - Mmmm it's lush!! I think so (L) This is it: Not forgetting the mask
*Geordies Shorts Pitch an angle* I dunno what to say Them Rag Heads arent seein ya in that like gonna take me own set of curtains - if the air con fucked then ill hire a fan coz there will be plenty of sweet loving to do when ya dressed like that ! Cassie mmmmmmmmmmm *Geordie changes his shorts*
One word : LOVE Cassie all i ever wanted like and i aint ever gonna let her go - the Ann Summers too makes it better *Dreams*