FAO SmartE How come ur name doesnt come up under 'users browsing this forum' when u are blatently here!
Ooooo are we jealous... think of all the people you could stalk if they couldn't see you!!!! naughty naughty.. I knwo how your mind works spooky.
oh and I just put me on invis in options but I can still see u lot when ur invis - cos I have stalker powers oh to watch
... am shocked thats how u think of me! Am sure uve convinced all the peeps i dont know that im a deranged stalker who jumps on random unsuspecting males every friday night at promise! tis not alltogether true
lol@auz lmfao@spooks Its going to be weird at the meet-up now ur not single! Theres going to be about 30 blokes (Weird how that one works out - where are all the women??!?!?!?) and ur not even going to be tempted! eeeesh Right my mission this friday was to make people fancy me (no one does at the moment as u'll see in the people forum!) but now it is to recruit some girls onto our message board.... it needs the feminine touch!