FAO DrHH: Verdict on FinalScratch? You said that you've got it, tried it, and liked it! Can you give me details on it's comparison to vinyl - latency if any? You know.. can you do a review of it or something to at least entice me to buy it sooner?
Such a lazy get - cant be arsed to do a full review like Basically, there is NO difference that I can tell between using this and standard vinyl. I have tried all kinds to get it to slip up, spinbacks etc etc....it just laffs at everythin I throw at it As I was sayin to phil and daniel before, the only thing I can see thats difefrent is (obviously) you cant look at the vinyl to see wen the breakdowns are etc etc.....cos the vinyl you are using is the same for every tune - BUT - you do see it on the screen, you see all the peaks etc.....you see how much time is remaining, the lot. The bad bit for me was trying to get it workin in 1st place!!!! I tried runnin it on a celeron 333 with 256mb ram and a dodgy gfx card - my own fault tho. Give it wot it says (check their website to see gfx cards and cpu's supported) and its perfect. Gets my thumbs up without a doubt. Now go spend that money ya tight get
Not making that kind of purchase for a while mate.. I just splashed £2500 on an evil laptop that would put most desktops to shame - the docking station can also take PCI cards.. so thats investing for the future! When I am gonna purchase, it'll come down to either FinalScratch, or PCDJ Red +Newmark DMC-1 controller But that won't be until next year.. in the meantime, I'll still have good 'ol Virtual Turntables.
Well, it runs on its own OS (a modifyed version of linux im led 2 believe) which is extremely stable, once its set up correctly... however... anyone interested in gettin final scratch... Look here: http://www.stantonmagnetics.com/forum/FORUM.asp?FORUM_ID=21&CAT_ID=7&Forum_Title=d.+Final+Scratch Because there are a number of bugs/problems being recorded... it is expected, for such a cutting edge product, but as much as i do want one, i think i mite wait for a future build, with some of the driver problems/bugs hopefully ironed out... Despite all this... it does look rather good :groovy:
Im sticking with what I know Im gonna get the best out of, I think thats Technics and a decent mixer ie- DJM 500.
Yup - if the system crashes your fukked - but then again, when using standard setup, if ya needle snaps your fukked, if the record gets scratched ya fucked.... Like everything, things can go wrong. However, as spud sed, it runs on linux, which is muchos stable and hardly EER crashes. And, as its a cut down version, only running what it NEEDS, its very very stable - its never crashed on me yet and I dont expect it to. There are bugs being reported by people yeah, however, it depends on what system you are running it on, you gotta take all this onto consideration. (selfish part follow below... ) however, as it all works for me, without any hassle, i dont care about the problems others are having
Strangely enough Jonty, I was there today.. I've been on GDJ centre's back about FinalScratch since MAY! From the looks of things, the main guy said he's gonna try and get a laptop setup for the end of the week - there any chance u guys could get PCDJ Red or PCDJ Blue setup on the laptop as well, with one of the Numark DMC-1 controllers you peeps have as a comparison, it's the same setup as VTT or your average CD decks and i wanna give it a go
Hence the reason my laptop's docking station can accomodate better cards such as a SonicFury. I'm gonna give either of them a go if it's possible.. as they say - try before you buy!