F.A.O All messageboard gimps Ditch your glowsticks. Pour your geebee down the drain. Burn your tigger backpacks. Give your dummy back to your rough as fuck child. GET A LITTLE FUCKING SELF RESPECT! Come to house party 54 on friday... Do your parents proud, it should be the best friday night foundation has seen in a long time - you'll actually enjoy yourself without licking your eyeballs and chewing on your tongue Good music and pretty people...
With a name like HOUSE party 54.... take a wild guess Kenny Carpenter - Studio 54 resident... hopefully House Party 54 will operate a similar door policy
Kenny Carpenter was amazing at Bed last year, he's the perfect faith restorer for anyone questioning the validity of clubbing in these confusing times
Cool he actually used to play the original Studio 54 in New York Joe, thats canny. Would of came down but I have got the bairn on Friday as going to Manc on Saturday