Eddies return? Im sure i read on another post somewhere that our new bi-monthly resident was going to be appearing some time in May. Ive just looked a the listings and hes not there so does anyone know when Mr Haliwell will be returning to grace the decks at Promise?
um not too sure if this is right but me finks someone over the weekend was sayin that they were talking to mark n he said he'd be on wiv either taucher or john kelly oh my god how good would it be if he was on wiv mr kelly??? ooooo im dead lookin forward to seein him again, not too sure if im right about them dates but i cant see it bin long until hes on again!! xxxx
oh my god how good would that be john kelly and eddie halliwell playing on my birthday!!! that would be wikid!!
aint he on with both taucher and john kelly??? the night tauchers on at promise i think eddies playing at virus in boro as well so i'd imagine he'd be at promise too!
Whoever hes on with, Eddies got to do the late set. I just cant see it any other way. If he warmed up the rest of the night would just be a huge let down. Last time was just so special.
i thought he was suppose to be playing with taucher 2..maybe he starts next month or something because surely they'd put him on the fliers?
Halliwell was suposed to be playing Virus in M'boro, but they've gone bust! It was the last one, last friday.
cant say im suprised really...the line ups were to varied and the club where it was at was purely shit
Well? Whats happening then? Mark? Rob? Can anyone shed any light on this? Pleeeeeeease? Im desparate. I have to know!