dvd playback.. when i play a dvd on my pc the movie is ded ded jerky.. and the sound is a bit choppy... any ideas how i can make it run smoothlee.... its used to :s ive got 128meg ram powerdvd 4 windows xp help.. i wana watchjaws.. mint film
grafix card... erm... shit one via 8meg... wank!.. thing is.. dvd used to work on it :s cpu... 1.5gig proc
Many, many things.... Any new hardware/software installations? Software aspect being anything which interacts with your DVD drivers. Are your DVD drivers up to date and not corrupt? Are you running any applications at the time which are interfacing with graphics also and so reducing allocation possiblities? DVDs - original or unfortunatley copied? Quality of disc? Not dirty or scratched. That is it for now, I'll add more as we diagnose it
If ur in need of a new grafix card, i just built mickey a new system yesterday - meaning his old grafix card will be up for sale (i think) its a GeForce 2 MX PCI 32mb DDR - a good card (cos it used to be mine once over) and seein as its third hand, im sure he'll sell it cheap. :groovy:
i'll just beat big mick up.. and steal it... :evil: aye sounds gud spud...hey that rhymes.... fook me im bored....
I have a dedicated dvd playback card. They fuckin rock, I would recommend anyone who either plays dvds on their monitor or outputs them to a tv to get one of these. I have a pc with a couple (about 200 gig now hehe) of films stored on hard disks that outputs sound (full 6ch) and video into my amp and tv. It's just like a dvd jukebox and the quality is comparable to middle budget stand-alone player. The dvd card deals with all the processing of the files so you can run this on a really old pc and it wont slow down or show compression artefacts (I have read of peeps using these cards on early pent 1s). Search for.... hollywood plus pci
ad say we probs just found ya problem!!! realtime virus scannin goin on in background probs messin up ya playback. disable it and give it a try...may just work better!
wot can i say...i rule that sorted it then m8 yeh ? virus checkers are worse than havin a bloody virus id say!
If you are on xp or 2000 (windows) bring up your porcessor usage when you are playing a dvd. If it's on 100% then I doubt it's gonna work on your current system without a better gfx card. I dunno about any others but the quality on nvidia GF4400s is spot on, it never seems to slow down or break up.