Drogba's coin throwing Punishment? Fine? Ban? What do people think? It was obviously the wrong reaction but fair play to him I say. A booking from the ref is quite enough & it should end at that. I haven't watched football religously for too long (3-4 years at most) but I'm sure missile attacks are happening much more often nowadays. It must really boil players piss & it'd be damn hard to keep your cool I think. Takin' a few insults on the chin from the opposing crowd is 1 thing, but coins, lighters & bottles to the head is something else. Simply not on
I'm a bit torn on this personally. I reckon at most he should get a fine, although i still think that would be a bit harsh. yeah he shouldnt have done it but it shouldnt happen in the first place. Its got to be hard to keep ya cool but when u turn round and there's 2000 people standing there how the hell are u gonna know which one threw it?! You throw it back and it could hit a kid. Still, dont know how i'd react. Totally agree that it seems to be happening more often at the minute.
whoever threw the coin was obviously in the wrong and i hope he gets found out and banned... BUT how fucking stupid can you get man, to throw the fucker back, of course he was fired up and of course he will have been very angered b the event, but throwing it back is incredibly stupid and i think he deserves both a fine and a ban. as soon as his own safety was put at risk by missiles from the crowd he should have notified the referee and had the problem sorted legitimatly! not the most macho way out but deffo the smartest (and by the way Drog flings himself to the ground to get freekicks i dont think he gives a fuck about a macho image) the chances of him hitting the cunt that actually threw it are between slim and none - so no doubt an innocent fan was hit by it, and innocent fans would also have been on the recieving end of his one fingered salute as well (probably children amongst them).
Yeah obviously he wouldn't have known which cunt threw it & it was a stupid decision to throw it back when you think it could've clocked some innocent little kid in the face. A fine as well as the booking would be justified in that case I suppose
Carragher got sent off and a three match when he did the same at Highbury years ago, in addition to his formal police warning. I think Drgoba should be getting the same.
he shouldnt have done it, i can see why he would be annoyed when someone has tried to hurt him, but u have to be a professional and realise that you will never hit the person who threw it. i think a fine should surfice.,maybe contact the police/whoever deals with crowd issue and have them bnned. cos its basically attempted assault and no matter what job u do its not something u should have to acccept.
I heard Chelsea are fining him 2 weeks wages, probably in the region of 160k. If they are to avoid a ban by the Sweet FA they had to act fast.