Digi Cam Settings Do we have any digi cam experts in the house? I have an Olympus Camedia C-2 camera and I wanna know what the best settings are for taking good quality pictures in low light (i.e. in a club). I'm sure the manual says but it has lots of words spread over a lot of pages so I can't be bothered to read it so I thought I would ask here first. Thanks in advance, Mick
The problem with taking photos in a club is the light levels are always changing, the right setting can be wrong a few seconds later. I've tried a few times to use my camera on manual settings with and without the flash and its pretty much pot luck if you get a good photo. You’re best just playing with your camera and seeing what works. My camera always works best on automatic with the flash (depending on how much dry smoke is in the air) (not much help was I)
Whatever you decide, try some shots without yer flash. You can stumble on some cool effects. Like this
Mates got that camera, if u intend to take pics in a very smokey atmosphere like the dancefloor in promise, dont bother, the flash just pics if the smoke. If its just in non-smokey promise, the normal flash should work fine. Just make sure ur subjects are more than a metre away or they'll look like ghosts! This is a mate who did that lol, 'The ghost who walks'
Mick - is this the camera u have? Cos im lookin at buyin one of these... whats ur opinion on it? worth the £££? (btw, i have about £250 2 play with, if anyone knows any better what i should get, please feel free to let me know)
I got my Fuji finepix 4700 from ebay new for £300 (shud be about £400) works well in clubs and you can take video clips with it
ive got one of these and i know bugger all about it, except u can take pics with it (they r quite good quality too) and u can do video pics with it. dunno how much it was but my dad bought it bout a year ago, so it was quite expensive, but i think they have went down in price now! it does take v.good quality pics tho! and thats about as far as my knowledge of all things technical goes....sorry!
My mates got the model under that Olympia one and it works a treat, takes good quicktime movies as well
This is what i am getting for x-mas. http://www.advancedmp3players.co.uk/shopping/pages/buyphotoclip128mb.html Considering that you get a camera, mp3 player, camcorder, voice recorder, web-cam and a web server with 128MB storage £205 aint a bad price.
That model is a newer version that the one I have by the looks of it. Mine is very good quality, even under low light and looking back it is usually smokey photos that are poor. It also isn't very good at close range, the flash seems too bright!
hmm.. well, up 2 now it seems the best option, can get that cam, another memory card, a carry case, battery charger and batteries for about £230... i think thats the one i'll probably get... :groovy: