Creamfields pics Ive finally got round to getting my GKGG pics developed and I'll be putting them up within the next couple of days too
They're nowhere near as bad as the GKGG ones. Theres quite a few which havent came out properly that've got you in the corner of them gurning like mad!
No chance! Put them onto your computer at home from imagestation, then out them onto CD and take them to get printed
Thats my fave pic! The photos don't do it justice though. Everytime I asked randoms to take pics I kept telling them they'd better not nick my camera The reactions to it were hilarious!
i don't know how to do that!!! if i have the pics then i can get it done quicker & easier....i'd return them as soon as i got the pics back!!!
All you do is save them onto your comp. Sorry but nobody's getting my pics off me. I wont even let Hogg have them. I'd offer to do them for you myself but by the time I copy them for Hogg Im gonna have no ink left
Im scanning all the pics again and Im putting all of them up this time so you's might want to check them again in a bit