colds and menthol tabs anyone else smoke menthols when they have a cold? smoking makes me feel sick if im sick already, fizz and ness have given my a mingy sniffle, sore throat and ear, its not very nice. i never usually get colds at xmas, but i know lots of people who have a constant cold over winter! what a gutter if you are one of those people! heard lemsip cold and flu max strength is good, any suggestions?
Menthol and all that stuff just treats the symptoms of colds and stuff - to recover from the virus itself is about rest, food, warmth etc.. One thing i did a few weeks ago when i had a cold coming on was to get very high strength vitamin c tablets (500mg tablets) and take one every 2 hours - scientifically (ooer ) its impossible for a virus to survive when your cells are saturated with vitamin C.... anyways within 24 hours my cold was gone Could be worth a try.
try little local shops that sell loose backy....dunno where u can get it from down your neck of the woods tho!
that tabacconist down pink lane would sell it. the other interesting fact about vitamin c if you take big enough doeses, and you are pregnant you will have an abortion as vit c is an emmangunoge (thing that makes you come on) EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW. i shall try some menthol, also lemsip. you have to feed a cold /starve a fever dont you?
If you have blocked nose try smoking those menthol wafer things. They'll clear anything and much better than the stuff you buy at the chemists !
go for a nice warm bath, then go to bed wrapped up so that you sweat (sounds rank i know) but if u do that u tend to sweat the fever out...old wifey's tale but its worked for me a number of times