Christmas... anyone else think its kinda lost its sparkle from when you were a kid? it jus seems like one big commercial festival now i know what i'm getting for christmas cos i had to pick it out! deff doesn't have the same kind of awe about it as it used to...
Re: Christmas... Very true, been thinking that for a while. Hate seeing the scutty little brats in the shops screaming and shouting for every new present they want. You just can't escape it! On a plus note though, it will be good to see my nephews and nieces enjoying chrimbo because for them its still got its sparkle (and they ain't spoilt). The thing I really hate is Fenwick's window, its awful and annoying!
Re: Re: Christmas... yeah thats the only good thing about christmas... see the looks of wonder and delight on childrens faces. thanks for that, i'd forgotten bout that part of it, got some of my christmas spirit back now
Re: Re: Re: Christmas... Good lad! Glad to be of some help Just don't walk past Fenwick's or ya back to square one!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Christmas... haha! no chance of that, i'm back at my parents house near leeds at the mo! doing the last of my christmas shopping tomo, an to make it not so bad i'm combining it with going to see amo vs lee haslam at cyberdog in the afternoon
christmas lost it's charm a while ago... but i still get enjoyment out of it... i like the ideals behind christmas, it's nice and something as simple as getting some snow tends to please me. and other than that i look forward to seein my brother's kid on christmas day gettin his stuff, for me thats what it all is... a spirit and something for the kids. so yeah, thinking that way i do enjoy it
It dont even feel like christmas I want it to snow..then it might feel more like a traditional christmas.
Re: Re: Christmas... At least this year its related to christmas. What was with those aliens last year ? :spangled: :spangled:
its def lost its sparkle for me, thats prob down to working in a shop and it being drummed into u for about at least 2 months prior to it, then the stupid hrs ur made to work before and after xmas day First time aswell that i've not had my nieces and nephews from either newcastle of the isle of man over staying with me so thats gonna less exciting - used to love watching them all open their pressies!!! LOVE IT!! spending it at my nans will be shit!! but i love all things chrimbo!! and...fenwicks window is mint!! it makes me smile every time! I chrimbo!
Yea fenwiks window is alot better than last year..i mean what the fuck does aliens have to do with christmas?
The aliens thing was just wierd last year, aswell as being very sinister... if I was a kid looking at it I would have bricked me pull-ups! I still can't stand it this year tho... the puppets eyes are sooooo BIG - well scary. And the music, ugh! Anyone call me scrooge and they get a lump of coal for chrimbo!
Shit!! I forgot to check out Fenwicks window!!! And I was in town las nite aswell. DOH! I take it its puppets or something?? I also dont feel very christmassy. Things have changed since I was little. I get more spent on me now tbh. Obviously the lack of excitment and surprise has gone so christmas day isnt really any different to any other sunday for me, except my mam wears a party hat! And I also get the Promise of loads a cash!!! Cha Ching!!!
i used to love goin to bed after leaving out the cookies, carrots and milk for santa and my dad would read me a book i had about santa and then go to bed and i used to totally love that butterfly feeling you used to get knowing that santa was about to come to your house oh to be young again just one question, why is it that u only ever fed rudolf (sp) when he had god knows how many other reindeer with him??
tis like santa's workshop i think and - that's a good point about the raindeer all the other poor malnourished fooks draggin overfed santa n rudolph around with em