Car bumps Your reversing along a very tight residential street in the dark, in the rain late at night and you hit a car. Smashing the front and setting off the car alarm. What would you do?
Once did this when i was 17, reversed into me mam's nextdoor neighbour then pegged it up the street. got about 60 yds up the back street then thought nah, and went back dunno what i'd do now like :evil:
if they dont know whats the point in them finding out. but if it happened to me i wud hope the person who did it wud say something doubt that happens much in this situation tbh
i've had my car bumped, scratched, and also keyed! i would always leave my details. i have ended up paying everytime out of my own pocket due to the cost of making a claim on my insurance. people who drive off are no better than a thief who breaks to steal a car stereo.
my m8 just reversed into my next door neighbours car, broke the tail light and dinted abit on the boot, he broke off his wing mirror and scratched the side of his car, he didnt no what to do lol, luckily my next door neighbour is canny and sed he doesnt want to go through insurance so he can do it himself, his insurance wud be sky high next year if they found out. hes got his dads m8 to fix his and neighbours car for cheap, hes scared to come into my street now lol
no fucking way, you've damaged someone elses property. grow some balls and own upto the damage caused by your shitty driving. if i saw someone do it to someone elses car, i would have no problem what soever leaving their registration for whoever had been bumped and i would also testify against them. it a criminal offence to drive off after you've hit another vehicle.
it is a crime against someones personal property. i feel the same contempt for ****'s who do that and don't rectify their actions, as i do for people who steal. the end result is the same, the victim is out of pocket. usually more so than having a radio twoced!
The point is so that the person who causes the damage should pay. You would be suprised how many claims come in for stuff like this. when I worked at an insurance brokers I was mainly working from the claims department, there was loads like this
I'd probs leave a note or hang around for the owner, I'd expect the same to be done in the opposite situation.
i'd leg it. people have done it to me. i have no conscience. my car currently had 4 bumps/scrapes down the side from where i park when at work. i've been hit on 4 seperate occasions and no-one has left their details. why should i suffer when they get off scott free.