Yeh it looks quality, saw Tom Hardy who plays Bronson in a programme called Stuart: A Life Backwards it was mint
not going to watch it why is the youth of today obsessed with "tough guy hard men" the guys a idiot why make a movie on him? shouldnt have been allowed
Fucking hell pike you've gone soft in your old age. If this was a film about some random made up cunt you'd have no worries. I've seen the trailers and think it looks shit but just cos its based on real life i don't get all the commotion. The same people who complain have no probs going to see something much sicker and gory just cos its not real.
i feel the same way about Carlton Leach in rise of the footsoldier. the movie totaly glorifys him and makes him out to be a level headed wise guy of the underworld, when in reality Leach was equally as fucked up and off the rails of Pat Tait and Tony Tucker
people who watch movies like this will love the film "blow" and probably have a ~"Mr Nice" poster in there bedroom (still at home with parents)
when i was 13 years old i went to go and see Kevin and Perry go large (at the old odean cinema in newcastle) however i got ID'd and couldn't get in as it was a 15 so me and my mates had to go and see a fucking shit film called "snow day" instead until thursday night this experience was my worst ever cinematic experiencem that was until i agreed to go and see Bronson. WHAT THE FUCK? it is a total joke! waste of time, do not go and see it, you see more of Bronson's cock than you do out else, its meant to be a biopic and based on true story but it goes into the realms fantasy - and no, its n ot a dipiction of Bronson's mental state, its a load of bollocks