British spiders - white? I just brought my washing in and had this completely white spider crawling on one of my socks. I've never seen white spiders in England before. It was about the size of a £2 coin. All of our animals / insects are normally boring black. Anyone know anything about spiders in England?
most def... i adore spiders, will rescue them for anyone.. i even ate the leg of a deep fried one for the cambodia not here i might add before people think i'm gathering little house spiders & wacking them in the chip pan.. :lol the only time i've ever taken a wide berth of one was in Japan...this fucker was a monster & scuttled along like a crab...even the locals walked around it instead of stepping over it
I've never heard of a white spider but now I know its not fairytale its added to my list of fears alongside scorpions and moths
no it's not i tried it in cambodia where black spiders are plentiful...i didn't see the 1 who's leg i munched on alive before i ate it
i hate the jumping ones... i get really scared of spiders an cockroaches when i'm pissed for some reason... one time i even wouldn't get off the bed an made my gf get rid of a cockroach i'm not so bad when i'm sober tho!
i was hammered! an i think its funny an don't care if people know now... since the bitch told everyone and they laughed at me :evil: