Board quality I've just been thinking about all the talk about the quality of the board at the moment and i was wondering what you thought needs to be done to get it to the level you would like it at? I think one of the main problems (as me and dog have discussed) is that threads get hi-jacked before peeps can get there point across. I know i have been guilty of this. And then there's all these pointless polls. I mean i dont mind informative polls but ones like "who's got the most sand in their vagina?", now what the fuck is the point in that. And then there's randomness, i know i have done loads of this in the past. I dont mind the odd random thread but when half the page is filled with random threads it just get a bit stupid. FFS we have a humour forum go post crap in there. I know i am guilty of all of the above but i dont do it as much now. But i do think that the quality of the board has dropped recently so come on peeps lets make it better.
you reckon she'll delete copy-cat threads? ie when we have 4 threads about who's going to promise on a friday
Re: Board quality Invent a time machine and go back about 9 months I think loads of the people who used to post loads need to start doing so again. It used to be better when everyone knew everyone on here but I guess it was inevitable that as more people joined the board youre not going to know everyone. And its good in a way cos you get to meet new peeps and that, but it gets a bit much when people started joining from all over the country who dont even go to Promise, just coming on here to start shit :evil: PLUR folks
or maybes merging them to get one thread maybes, i mean so long as all posts are from different people, and maybes a bit of editing to make the thread flow...
Yup.. the thread hijacking and randomness which has seeped into the board have well and truely stopped me posting - whats the point of replying to anything without an intelligent topic? Sure it's good to let off a bit of insanity and randomness for a laugh, but thats all i seem to see on Mission control these days. Just create a Random room so peeps can do this stuff in a virtual padded cell without spoiling the good threads and filling the thread list with crap.