Bagle Virus

Discussion in 'Technology' started by Mr. Revel, Mar 4, 2004.

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  1. Mr. Revel

    Mr. Revel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    Bagle Virus

    ive been badly infected, over 100 files (just scanning and deleting now!!!)

    so watch out!

    what does it do? anyone know? and how have i got it?
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Mr. Revel

    Mr. Revel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    over 500 files actually.

    and they are ones that i have never seen before, or d/led? like matrixrevolutions.exe, nero7.exe etc....
  4. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    From what i've heard it comes as an .exe attachement in an email. similar to sobig and stuff like that, once u run it - it mails itself to users in your address book and then sits in one of your TCP ports using remote connections. Most virus scanners are now aware of it. U might have got an email with 'Hi' as the subject and is disguises itself as the calculator icon.

    Here's what McAfee say about it :

    Don't think it will do much damage to home users, just stuff your email for a while, while u clean it. It's really attacking large companies with microsoft/SCO products.
  5. Mr. Revel

    Mr. Revel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    i wonder how i got it? cos i never open any attacthments or anything. And i use my uni email, which removes any virusbefore i get it anyway? just getting rid of it now...
  6. d4rud3

    d4rud3 Registered User

    Jun 10, 2003
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    Trance Dimension
    when did nero 7 come out:spangled:
  7. trance_fan

    trance_fan Registered User

    Nov 7, 2002
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    its not out, which is a point to be wary of. Also, matrixrevolutions as an .exe? Is there a game by that name or is it a dodgy file?

    Seems weird that you have it, do you have a firewall? My msn messenger has been going crazy alarm keeps popping up saying something is trying to transmit to me, although its not popping up in messenger showing that its coming from least not that they are aware of. It is actually possible to get a virus that way, its happened to me before! Also any open ports also pose as a major risk.

    If you don't have a firewall, i suggest you get one!

    It poses more of a risk to home users than alot of people seem to think - Indeed, its annoying cos it mails to everybody and then you get emails from n00bs flaming you for sending them a virus etc etc. but, as mentioned, it makes use of unused TCP ports and as a result you PC can be access remotely, which is bad crack.

    Altho a major pain in the ass, the blokes who write these virii must be fairly intelligent so it makes you wonder why they dont put their knowledge to good use as opposed to pissing people off!

    Incidently, there have been lines of encrypted code in both the NetSky and the Bagle virus, aswell as MyDoom for that matter, which slates their virus rivals, in a bid to be the most notorious.

    Such messages include the likes of "Fuck off NetSky you bitch" and stuff like that!!
  8. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    trojans get sent directly to your port via irc chat thingys. ICQ, Messanger, all that shite.

    All the rumours are it the open source community that wrote linux that are writing these viruses to attack MS/SCO cause they're sueing them for 'using code owned by SCO' or something.

    the truth is out there.
  9. Sleepy

    Sleepy Registered User

    Mar 15, 2002
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    open source = :king:

    am sick to death of all these petty fukkin trojans/virii etc...dont NEED windows for anything so mandrake 9.2 is getting installed.....

    and staying
  10. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    they've got the right idea... spread the love....
  11. Mr. Revel

    Mr. Revel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    i have got Zone, so im not sure how i got it! it was probably one of my flatmates using my comp and shutting down zone!
  12. Sleepy

    Sleepy Registered User

    Mar 15, 2002
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    nah they can exploit commonly used windows ports (thats how blaster worked) - firewall wouldnt block connections to these ports as default...unless u told it to...

    windows is full of holes basically and people jus exploit em...

    a big worry now is that the source (well most of it) for win2k (of which the xp kernal is based on) was leaked onto the god knows what thats revealed!!! more security vreaches at a guess...

    i refrained from downloading it cos didnt want feds busting my door down :lol: :lol: :lol:
  13. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    exactly - imagine what they'll find now to exploit. microsoft only released a patch recently that was over due by 6 months!!! took them that long to do owt about it from the time it was pointed out to them by one of the security firms.

    There's another decent firewall around for home use (seems better than ZA from what i've heard) called BlackICE defender. after using ZA i realised it wasn't as 'good' as it seemed.
  14. Sleepy

    Sleepy Registered User

    Mar 15, 2002
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    too right - m$ are too slow off the mark either because...

    a) they dunno about it themselves
    b) they are scared of bad publicity so try to cover it up

    either way its no good to the end user!!!

    with open source you have millions of developers constantly updating thigs and its all patched n secured in no time n ready for deployment to the masses :up:
  15. Sleepy

    Sleepy Registered User

    Mar 15, 2002
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    as for windows firewalls - none are EXCELLENT.....hardware or linux is only way to go....

    best of the rest i wud say are:

    tiny personal firewall
    norton (yup!)

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