Anyone fancy being community manger Or moderation manager in a new MMOCC a mate of mine is starting up as a money spinner? Head to and go to the boards. Potential applicants need to have the following: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guy's, The Captains are Archimedes Cruises are looking for the following director positions, please read criteria fully before applying. Moderation Director ------------------------- Must have: - Must be 18+ - Must have VB forum and MMOCC experience (Please list experience in application.) -Must be competent and a good team player. -Be able to manage a team of 10 moderators for forum and in game client. The role ------------ Your role as Moderation director is to control the forums and in game client and ensure users and staff are following safety guideline's. You will control a team of around 10 staff who you will ensure moderate around the clock and manage staff as nessecary, you will ensure the safety of players both in game and on the forums and will be required for meeting updates every week. You will report directly to CEO or COO. To apply for this job send a PM to Cornish stating the full above criteria and the value you think you would add to the team. Community Director ------------------------- Must have: - Must be 15+ - Must have VB forum and MMOCC experience (Please list experience in application.) -Must be competent and a good team player. -Be able to impelment changes to the forum with excellent VBulletin knowledge and to small deadlines. -Must Liase with Marketing Director to ensure regular events for members and to bring new members to the team. The role ------------ Your role as Community Director is to manage the Forum and Client Moderation team as well as the "Ship Helper's" who act as guides on the ship (Release Shortly). You will also be able to effectively create competitions on the community and promote the site to welcome to members to the community, and manage the "Capn's VIP" signup function in the forum. To apply for this job send a PM to Cornish stating the full above criteria and the value you think you would add to the team. Good Luck! Hope to see you in the crew