Another quick 02 300 txts question?? I have a 300 free txts sim card that I used to use but haveny used it for a few months, if I top it up with £10 will i still get the 300 free txts?? or do you have to do it continuasly to keep the free txts????
good question wouldnt mind knowing that answer i have a few spare unopened sims if ya want one if it doesnt
Thanks mate but Ive got about 25 of these in the house! (going on ebay in a bit)! just dont fancy using one as wanna keep the other number
i think they give u 6 months b4 they cut u off , if u can still recieve txts n calls then when u put ur tenna on u should get your 300 txts etc !!
Put them on ebay mate!! Some one even bought the link for £30 !
Pmsl at someone buying the link mad or what and £120 quid for 40 sim cards that ya can get for nout anyhow strange world we live in think mine will be going up for sale later hehe