Affinity! Friday just gone! Affinity! Friday Just Gone! Would just like to say a massive thanks for everyone that turned up! I hope everyone can make it down to the next night with Richard Tulip & Lee Foster & Neil Buckley! Also a big thanks to all the djs that played you where all spot on! Massive thanks to jobo!!! Was only told about an hour before the night started that hes playing in the main room to cover for pete deane and ended up playing a full 2 Hour set that was top Quality!!! Well done mate!! Richie Booth played a wicked set and dropped some classics that had everyone moving!! Dougy-e came on after that and play a nice set bringing in some hard trance and boshed out some belters! Like people were saying on the goodgreef board about the venue!! Its bang on!!!! Just need to get people to realise what a good night this can be! Hope to see everyone at the next one! Friday 15th Oct!