Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday dear Toh-hom! Happy Birthday to You! :hug: sorry, couldnt think of...
u talk absolute shit heather!!!! :D
Happy birthday!!! :D
thank oo :D i fink i need to change my avatar, looks a bit pap.
Im sure you owe me some money - im important!!:D
oooo me like her.....fank oo heather.....duno wot im going to do with her....probs leave her here but she pretty :D im hungry :(
Purple :D
oooo they all dead good! :D im guessin jessica is modelled on kerry?
Livin' in the fridge!!:D :D :D
he he i was watching it b4 it was dancing to my music :D but i dont fink its a gap advert heather.:p
yer they is fine mummy likes them - sed "brill fab fantastic" so im guessing they is ok :p when u come bk she needs to now how to wor the scanner...
eeep.....david bowie is evil!! very scary! :evil: :eek:
well done - looks better than wot u were doing over the weekend.
because it wudnt hav bin noticed as much as an actual thread....n since everyone seems to hav summit against my sister it wud probs of bin ignored...
the post werent about that tho - she were asking whether we shud go to promise or go elsewhere which is why she didnt post in the one asking hus...
oooo ure gonna b in truble :p :D
hmmm.....u need help! :p
hes always dead mean to me :( :cry:
erm no im not (i'e got weird brown coloured hair now ) n no im not.....so ha :D
nah no1 cares :p
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