Adam, what do you want to hear? Come down mate, should be a laugh. I've just come back from Thailand and you couldn't get away with playing a...
I will, picked up some proper nice psy trance when I was in Thailand. Brought some luminous paint back too so I'll bring that on Friday ;)
Eklectro - Friday 26th March - Cosmic Ballroom [img] Eklectro brings you a fusion of electronic music's dirtiest beats, basslines & grooves....
It better be ya fucker... Nicky, less of the lady boy jokes ya little gimp ;) See you all soon, will keep in touch via facebook and that......
Going travelling on wednesday, first stop Thailand, see you all in 10 months :D :D
Friday 26th September @ Exhibit a @ the Cosmic Ballroom EXHIBIT A @ Cosmic Ballroom 26/09/2008 Downstairs: Neil Bainbridge (shindig)...
Really enjoyed this last night, thanks to everyone that came :D
4am finish, sorry for the typo
Really up for this one, last time i play before i go travelling.
Haha, yeah soz, hope you like it though
exhibit a promo mix #3 - Lee Sandwith David K -- Western Journey feat. Opium Guy Gerber --...
Re: exhibit a @ cosmic ballroom with SCOTT UDBERG, DEL, MARK LOWRY, PAT + PAULO T New promo mix ahead of our August party....It'll be my last one...
Thanks for the feedback everyone - had an awesome night. Bonnick was a bit wrecked at the end but at least he wasn't sick :) Next month, 22nd...
Exhibit A @ The Cosmic Ballroom - Friday 22nd August ************************************************** EXHIBIT A @ THE COSMIC BALLROOM In...
I wouldn't worry about it mate - Paul was class the other week on his own. He was saying something like he thinks you hold him back a bit...
They better be good uns mate - that's two sickies you've pulled in a row :D
Re: WAX:ON/EXHIBIT A/ILLUMINATI prsnt JULY 25th @ Cosmic Ballroom - THE SUMMER MELTDOWN Exhibit a line up will be myself and Paul Bonnick in...
Cheers Stu, was well pleased with the turnout. We've got parties coming up in July and August so we'll get the details out soon Got some...
hahahaha, would i do anything like that to you mate? :D
Oh no! Sorry mate but I've already sent off for the flyers.... I don't think it'll stick anyway mate so don't worry about it :D
Separate names with a comma.