final scratch sold... decks for £150... on sale..
goodbye im off into the real world.. of those who know what that is.. adios, let cyberspace treat you well.. i may have made some good friends...
yeah good one, one insult wonder... haha.
i am... on me laptop.. attached to my side... tryin to work hard to one of your gang... just down the street.. look... quickly
cheers mate.. knew someone would like it... have you voted... was it baja?
acid is in fashion...
give as good as you get, a bit of humour.. you feeling ok mate? or do u need to go to cyber hospital
yes. losers
pvd for an angel its shit!
yes that is the case.. wound up... yeah... loser
wow over 12000 posts.. check u, obv havent been out the house in about 6years. yes as well as baldy john smelling of wee. you do too. OASIS...
noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo dont do it! im sure his life would be over by gettin thrown off your little community.. u shud bring in the...
ikon vs promise vs pleasure rooms vs baja come on choose... you know whats best
sad. whats the point in this thread, again, get a life.
and yes, i meant opinionated!
opionated people living in the past, promise lovers. freaks, yes, freaks!!!! i dont know why you all speak to each other.. saddos... u all...
baldy john smells of wee baldy john smells of wee, tra la la la la la la la la tra la la la la la la la la la la baldy john smells of wee tra...
losers and chatrooms have you losers not got anything better to be doing with your time!! get some real friends, have a real party n have some...
Separate names with a comma.