I wish we could go back in time to error_ at the red rooms with your system making my ears bleed (in a good way)
anyone got a track id?
This is where i'll prob end up. Never been in the cluny 2
I think a lot of people just use it as an excuse to have a day off...
we have shit shaped pills in the country
Is that Michael Jackson?
:lol: No wonder the board struggles to attract new users
Fisting .
The ThinkTank is a wicked little space. Its a shame its all coming to an end but I'm really looking forward to this.
Habit on the 27th for me and then the Warehouse Project in Manchester on the 1st for the closing party. WHP 2010 Closing Party Dubfire...
Its spot on. I like the fact you can buy stuff when playing online now
is this a wind up?
It the soldiers fault that they are fighting and dying or is it the Governments? Is burning poppies on remembrance day really the right way to go...
i thought they were having a rave at first
'Around 50 counter demonstrators from the far-right English Defence League gathered nearby but officers kept the two sides apart' its just like...
Muslims Burn poppies...
student fees protest Not enough police to cope with the amount of demonstrators http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-11726822
Decent :up:
:o I've got some wicked memories from habit and its been one of my favourite club nights for a long while. Cheers to all involved in habit for...
Separate names with a comma.