Welcome Broonballs son! Bout time ya got yaself on m8y!
Static! Is static fatal to euipment? Or is there a way to resolve it?
2) Just curious man, its in me nature. Wen I was a youngin I was annoying, always askin why why why! lol! Cheers m8! Got adaware so shud be...
Viruses Can u get a virus and the checker not suss it out? Also, how does it check those files so fast? What procedure does it use?
Bout time u joined Ash! Well, Welcome Biatch! Who wanted those pics?? ;)
Anyone fill in the IDs?
FAO Slash What is the name of the fox track yoji is pumpin m8y?
Re: Tall Trees Tune ID? It werent a bootleg it was the actually tune but he was playing an acappella of toca over the top! His record back...
Mark Dogget is fucking class, wud luv to see him @ Promise in near future, shame he is not @ Come together. Loving 'Axis' ..great work!
Was VERY good nite music wise, but wat does noggins do here as the first thing of my nite? Nearly breaks his ankle as soon as I gets in TT!...
Everything I wud have said, has already, so without further a do, I wud just like to add a big 'THANK YOU' to the Promise/Foundation crew for...
what day is it on?
Eh? Thought uz were callin her Holly the website says summer mathews? :confused:
Hope to see Holly next month as well :D Dunno why shes getting griefed like, jealousy maybes :rolleyes: I definately wud!!!;)
Whoz Snack?
suprised you didnt get one of the byker grove chic Lee! :D
Tyneside Cinema Whats on and worth watching today?
same as all there stuff
Im in, but everyone will ahve to do tracklists as well.
Separate names with a comma.