yeah i was thinkin the same thing?!?! great minds n that.. is he real?! :)
nooooooo... even tho i would prob save loadsa pennies n have loads more sleep.. still no! mebies i could handle a fortnightly thing but not a...
agreed!! :p awww did i miss yor magic trix!?!? eeeysh hope i get 2 c them at jfk!?!? :D:D
eh??? u neva told us?!! me n rach went!! :p:p jackmaster > yeah very ammusing for us!! tehe! big dave was in a bit of a state!!! hehehe dont...
is any body goin 2 sunday trading after gk? its open 12-11 or summit?!?!? :p :)
i am!! :D:D
awww bless u hun! bet its the best of the whole year or summit nd i will miss it!! :rolleyes: u'll be fine.. ur a big girl now.. ready 2...
ditto!! :D:D:D funny tho!! :p
shall our aim B 2 get on the news all day sat!!! ;) me and rach have been doing naughty things all day its abs MINT!! :D sum1 stole rach's...
hahaha!! that sounds like your my secret, party crashing boyf!!! yup! i love being naughty i do!! :D:D we'll bring plee 2 a standstill.....
no problemo chickidee!! :D
ssshhhh he was my secret boyfriend.. so much so i dont even think he knows!! dont worry he wont B at your after party this fri.. we is having...
silly boys.. u do worship me u have tshitrts and badges and an internet site all devoted 2 me!!! :D:D:D or mayB's...
nope!! Read your pm's boy!! :D
lol!! im sorry!! :p:p i'll empty them now!!! :D:D:D
oh dear.. kiss and make up! :p
^ thats wot i meant!! but in less words!! hehe! :D
GET 2 FUCK! NO THEY DO NOT!!!! :mad:
NO he did not! sloppy dont need them to make himself cool, he IS cool!! :):) mWaH xx ^ i know that sounds stupid but i knows what i mean!! :D:D
yup thats right chik! :p
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