that fizzy thing ya puts on ya tounge n it crackles!!! :D :D
aiya!! uh-oh still avnt made it home from crasher yet?!? me got trapped in m'boro (again) oopsy daisys! hmmm was the 1st eva time me gots a...
how did that little fella :P sneek in ther?!?! eysh! :rolleyes:
the big square bed is the bestest place in the world 2 get messy/collapse after yav been out! tiz truely great but ya have 2 b careful it dusnt...
hahaha!!! PLEEEEZ JUS 1 MOR HOUR!! that was soooooo funny!!! therz a foto of him on his chair on andy's wall!! i think he's registered on ere as...
who is goin? me, big dave, rachel, sparky-mark, gnasher and sum other folks are 2! YAY! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
hahaha! lmfao at rectangle random comment!!! forgotted bout u n ya rectangle obsession!! honestly everthang in ya room is rectangular even ya lava...
no ya cant do that!! bless his cotton sox! he dont talk shite he is wise 2 the world dont you know, he watches nature progs and everything! :p
ack hope u r who i think ur!:rolleyes:
sparky mark! YAY! iya chickadeee!!!!!!!!!!! yay yay yay yay glad ur on ere!!!! mwaaaaaaah xxxxxxxxx :D :D :D :p :p
Re: Re: Re: LMFAO@Tweenies! lol! now y dusnt that surprise me?!?! :p
Re: LMFAO@Tweenies! hehe! me watched that this afternoon! bless him nobody would believe him bout his magic wishes! awwwww! :p ;) :) me...
no they r quite rank!! :( ;) :p
yup tiz def nxt wed!!! :D :P
hehehe!!!!! iya lil gem chickydeee!!!! glad u on ere now insted of smelly gurn!!! me knows what u mean bout her email addy!!! classy...
i'll see what i can do! ;) :p :D :) :p
YAY!!! hopefully u wont pretend your a bus this time nd get it took off u!! :rolleyes: :p :D
there was always loadsa scary eyes lookin out from underneath!! aaargh there was loadsa little plasticine type monsters underneath wasnt...
yup am goin me thinx! aint been 2 any of his other 6hr sets at crasher b4 so shud be an errr experience! :D :D
oh yeah but ive always got the tidy weekend!!! hehehe!! :D :D
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