'Cause I'm Sean Tyas, yes I'm the real Tyas All you other Sean Tyas' are just imitating So won't the real Sean Tyas please stand up, please stand up, please stand up?
fair play to you mate, it must be annoying tho when these leak out on the net way before traks are due to be released. in an iideal world if you could just make songs upload to audiojelly or similaer store and people buy them that way slide the labels out you never thsi could work than again it might not lol
hahaha to that eminem reference up there.. fuckin great! but yea there is no way apparently to stop leaks.. and though its gutting to see happen all the time... no label, person, or apparently, authority, can stop it. 2 sides to this coin though, and its bringing more people into the trance or at the very least, club, scene
Sean Tyas: Why are you condoning the distribution and playing of illegal music!?! Also, why do you feel the need to swear so much (ref. to this thread as well as you interview at tracklists.ca). And also, please stop clogging up download stores with remakes and re-edits. Why don't you spend more time on creating original tracks rather than pumping out old tracks with a 'a bit harder kick'? Quality not quantity!!
im with u.. and its not me doing it bro.. its the labels.. i have no say.. I also dont see any money from any of those reworks... the labels just ask if they can sell it.. so u preaching to the choir on that one.. in fact i also dont want any more dl shops SELLING reworks.. they shouldnt be sold anyway. its more for fun and to play. i swear a lot cuz it really is how i talk. are you really that easily offended? who cares? its just words. originals coming soon, i finally have time to do em.. thank godddddddd. and i certainly dont condone it.. but why try fight a losing war against it.. there is no way to stop it. Governments are reluctant to lift a finger until America realizes how muc tax money its losing from the movie industries tax renenue, due to movie dls, so we just need to sit back and wait until something comes along that can help. But im not sure that can be done.