Rockafella Restaurant.. Anyone been there before? Apparently managed by the dude who won Hell's Kitchen.. I'm goin there on Wednesday night and wanna know what to expect
My mate went just after it opened, he said the service was shite nd the food wasn't upto much either. Quite expensive aswel.
i cant remember when it was i went, some time late last year/early this year i think, but it was gorgeous. Loads of fish stuff on the menu (which i dont like) but i had this chicken thing and it was really nice
ive ben before and i agree, the service was shite but the food was lovely, i would definately give it a go
Would the biscuit factory be a better bet then? Where abouts is it and whats the food like there?? Also.. do ya recon I could get a table for tommorow night on short notice or is it normally packed??
yeah that kicks arse best restaurant in newcastle, the food is amazing, and the service was good to, lots of hottie waitresses
Just got in from this.. and the place was pretty good. Food was lush.. the main course was a bit "rich" and I couldn't finish it. Had the Chicken and Bacon Rockafella which was as above with spinach, mashed potato, cheese and a weird white wine, garlic and cream sauce style affair. It kinda resembled a pizza.. but with mashed potato keeping it all in and a spinach base. Had a chocolate pudding too.. which was sooo good I almost wet myself. The service was good, but there was hardly anyone in.. The actual surroundings were nice too.. A from me.. (5 Main meals, 2 sides, 3 Deserts, 5 pints, 2 cokes, 3 coffees, 2 shooters and a brandy for ~ £140.. not too bad!)
It's where barn at the buscuit was. It's Black doors spin off cheaper restaurant. Black door have a restaurant in town which probably comes to about £70 a head so they created a Brasserie which has fantastic food for less pennies. It's soooo nice. I went their for my graduation meal!!
I wanna travel down and eat at The Fat Duck restaurant. looks amazing. when u see the mad food they do it must be a party going on inside ya mouth
Look at this Taster Menu lol NITRO-GREEN TEA AND LIME MOUSSE OYSTER, PASSION FRUIT JELLY, HORSERADISH CREAM, LAVENDER POMMERY GRAIN MUSTARD ICE CREAM, RED CABBAGE GAZPACHO JELLY OF QUAIL, LANGOUSTINE CREAM, PARFAIT OF FOIE GRAS SNAIL PORRIDGE Joselito Ham, shaved fennel ROAST FOIE GRAS Almond fluid gel, cherry and chamomile SARDINE ON TOAST SORBET Ballotine of mackerel ‘invertebrate’, marinated daikon SALMON POACHED WITH LIQUORICE Asparagus, pink grapefruit, "Manni" olive oil POACHED BREAST OF ANJOU PIGEON PANCETTA Pastilla of its leg, pistachio, cocoa and quatre épices MRS MARSHALL’S MARGARET CORNET PINE SHERBET FOUNTAIN MANGO AND D0UGLAS FIR PUREE Bavarois of lychee and mango, blackcurrant sorbet CARROT AND ORANGE TUILE BEETROOT JELLY SMOKED BACON AND EGG ICE CREAM Pain perdu, tea jelly Some crazy shit there, Its a michellin starred restaurant aswell.. Smoked bacon and egg ice cream is meant to be the most confusing food ever