Time travel what are everyones views on it? is it possible, are people doing it at the moment?? my theory is.. wherever u go in time the people that live in that time always think it is the present for example if i travelled back in time to 1990, the people in 1990 would think that that time is the present day even though it would be the past say for example the present day is actually 2050 and people from then are travelling back in time to 2005 and other years, we would still think that the time we live in is the present day to be honest there is no way that anyone can prove otherwise but if that is the case then everything that is going to happen has actually already happened and we are just playing out our lives basically this is fate its crazy to think that there could be people walking in our "present day" that actually could be from 2050 all the physics point to timetravel being possible for example if u go faster than the speed of light then u end up going backwards (or so the maths says you do)
In all seriousness time travel is theoretically possible.. there is just no one (documented) that is testing the theories at the moment...
haha it is mental, nah i proepr related to that film cos thats my theory on time travel, im not saying it is definatly true but im not rulign it out either end of day noone can prove it and noone can prove otherwise
Re: Re: Re: Re: Time travel who says it it? einstein didnt think it was impossible and he was the smartest man ever society wanted to hang the person that thought the world was round and everyone thought he was absolutely crazy just because noone has managed to do it yet doesnt mean it is impossible i would go back to 1999 and relive my european cup final holiday in barcelona
aye its out by like a some daft percentage of a second,,,so that is time travel!!! headfucked :spangled: :spangled:
There is a theory that you can view the past by going faster than the speed of light and then viewing the period of time you want to see by looking through a very powerful telescope as the light from that period of time wont have reached your area of space by then. e.g. I would travel to Pluto faster than light and then view the light that was heading to Pluto so effectively i have viewed the past. As for actually time travelling , I dont think it can exist.
Re: Time travel If people from 2050 could travel back to 2005, they would be able to tell us what the Christmas films of the future are going to be
not as gutted as you you would be able to go forward in time so your mates would be nearer your own age