Thought the sounds coming from the speakers was unreal but the whole thing lacked something Loads of huge buildups and then nothing at the end of them Sound wise I think that is the best i have ever seen , plus the lights and visual were out of this world That clown thing during Electronic Battle Weapon 7 was well offside YOUR ALL MY CHILDREN NOW!!!!!!!
I agree, seemed to go on ages and then no real bass when the tuneskicked off- especially the last half hour or so
Not really a big fan but was still a good night in the end. Was too busy and hot at the front to enjoy it though so was a lot happier lurking at the top And what's the crack with having to go up two flight of stairs to the toilet, took ages to get there and back Glad i'm off work today though feeling slightly delicate!!
just been flicking through my vids i took on my phone and on one you can hear slash say 'bet that these would wipe the floor with nu nrg' was a good night, was well impressed with the venue
dont think it was anything to do with the soundsystem as the bass drop during It Doesnt Matter was DEEP
Oh aye I asked Melt where his black bin bag was I also now remember seeing Dino Earl briefly lurking at the backas we were pushing through
I just remembered this totally bald guy in front of me so I rubbed his sweaty head to which he was NOT impressed and give me the biggest evil look ever