Xbox 360 on launch day Does anyone know if any of the stores in newcastle are going to have any available on the 2nd to walk in and buy or are they all pre orders?
Not sure. I'm at work on the launch day so I'll be able to tell you when I finish if we have any spares
Do you know if they actually have any quantity above the pre orders that they will sell to joe public? A lot of online pre orders are not being fulfilled due to lack of supply.
I don't know what the state of play is at our place atm. With the PSP we got enough stock to satisfy all of our initial reservations but there are rumours that the xbox is in extremely short supply. I'm in work tomorrow, I'll ask around for you
I think they only don't look better cos most of the release games are just ports of other games, I think, like all consoles, they'll get better as the games that have a had more deevelopment time come out.
at dixons we have got our 34 to fulfill pre-orders, have heard that is the case everywhere, no extra's for a while.
I pre ordered one from HMV in richmond about 2 weeks ago - went in a few days back and asked what my chances of getting one were. .... guy said they had gotten about 45 pre orders up till that point and that the only way i would know if i would get one was to turn up on the day they get stock (day before launch) and see if i was lucky. Not bothered if i dont get one since its 400 odd quid i dont have to wax, but they look like nice bits of kit with all the media playing / ipod stuff - and the games look sweet
all shops have them pre ordered, my mate works in a games store and said it'll be a while before anyone else gets them, i havn't bought a computer since the N64 but after playing the medal of honour demo i think its time for me to be a nerd and buy one oh yeh they had to re-call ones in america aswell because the console was snaping the disks
Whats the point in launching a console if no shops will have it available to buy on the day or even within the month after if you don't have it pre ordered? MS even admitted themselves there seems to be a reason why consoles are never released simultaneously across the world.
I have checked today - our first three drops of xbox 360 are all customer-allocated. Meaning it will be some time in feb before we have one to sell Microsoft should make a vacuum, it would be the only line of products they could do that wouldnt suck... and thank fuck they don't make cars.
I heard that they were launched somewhere and everyone was queing up and soem at the front row got theirs and smashed it to pieces just too see the look on the peoples faces. Weird I know