Snow? Has it started snowing yet up home? I the snow, so much, i turn into a big kid and always wanna go sledging and skidding and stuff!! Lol Doubt were gonna get any down here, as its just the NE isnt it?
Re: Re: Snow? I kno!! It did once, but it was only a tiny bit and didnt settle, gutter!....Think its cos its in a valley or sumthing!!
Re: Re: Snow? It snows it WhitleyBay tho and thats near the coast!? Totally random, but im in the library at uni, and theres this black man next to me who keeps pumping at they stink!!! :sick: :fart:
i hopeit doesnt snow on saturday/sunday as we're getting th etrain to liverpool and dont wanna get stuck
the weather ppl got it wrong last night, they even sent the gritters out they normally only do that when sure. i think it might arrive tonight a day late.