Canabis For MS My dad has Ms and was just wondering if anyone knew anymore on this new canabis based drop they are bringin out? and if anyone has possibly tried it. x Love Lil Miss Messy:angel3:
mate, tried that one already he doesn't like smoking it he only uses it in cookies. Must say i've tried them and they are pretty tasty x
Mint Get him a vaporiser they arent harsh at all. Like the volcanoes you see in the Dam coffee shops. £400 like
his cookies are awesome, well he used to be a chef you see so he makes them with raisens and cinamon tasty.
yeah i was just wondering the effect of it i know it eases pain and eases the muscle spasms, just wondered if he'll be getting all the other effects from weeeeed.
I know loads about it. What do u want to know? Iv pmed you if u need to know anything else pm me ill be back online on Fri
Are they actually bringing this out are they? Good news, anything to help ease the symptoms is a good thing
My mates ma smokes it for arthritus , she always sending him off for half ounces and sorting him the jammy git :evil:
Incorrect. Research has been there for years, nothing new has been discovered recently other than a few placebo tests. As for it being prescribed, it cant be as such. A Doctor can recommend it on a "named patient" base's and then get the treatment sent over from Canada where is Legal (has been since the summer). The patient can then take the product at their own risk and due to the product being unlicensed in the UK technically the patient will be using the product illegally so I doubt they will be covered if they fall ill from using etc.