The Lucky Lucky Man in the Destination Bogs Hes been arrested for importing truck loads of ching into the country hahahahahha the irony of it all
PRINCESS JANE one of the former bouncers in the Gate has just been done for spiking a lass with GB. The Chron had class photos on the front, think the photographer indulged in a little 'baiting' outside the court and then started snapping as the guy lost it.
Loads of bouncers I've encountered lately have been dodgy as hell. My m8 got loads of class a's off a bouncer at the cooperage last week. They seem to either be meathead's who'll stomp your face into the floor for wearing the wrong shoes, 'looky looky' men only with drugs, or there's the odd few who seem to be genuinely canny rule obiding beefcakes.