"they where responding to what they thought was a routine call of a robbery taking place" source ITV News @ 6
problem in this country its becoming more and more easier to get guns (ive tried but no luck, ha ha JOKE!!!) and when police attend incidents like armed robbery, police then have to wait for fire arms section of police force to attend!, also if ppl knew police carried guns at all times maybe crime rate in this shit hole of a country would drop?!
This country is rapidly becoming like the USA for gun crime, more and more people are carrying and using guns... IMO if people think they can carry and use a gun then they should expect to have one used on themselves.
IMO No and in a police lady whom I knows opinion No.Some people have the ability to be a good police man/woman but dont have the ability/temprament/nerve to carry annd use a gun.Leave the firearms to the ones who volunteer
Well maybe the new generation of police should be stong minded enough to carry a weapon and use it at the right time without hesitation It pisses me off when our forces/police have to endure court cases for doing their jobs A few years ago our police forces in general did not need firearms - it is quickly changing and all the PC people should get a grip if they think otherwise....
also in the news..... There has been a rise in the numbers of people killed in road accidents involving police cars. The IPCC also released figures which said 106 people died during or after contact with police in the last year, up 24 from the year before.