Awwww how sad One of the horses I used to look after has died He was fooking mint and a right cocky little bugger :cry2:
Did you read about that? Poor little gee gee, I hate the way they whip 'em on the tracks! Nasty nasty..
Im ok yeah .... havent seen him for ages. If I wsa still working at the yard Id be in tears Apparently he went downhill really fast the past week
i'd be gutted if my dog died, i'd probably cry for ages, i don't see her that often but shes totally mint. this is her shes called rosie
class animals are mint when they have a mint personality, my rosie is so human like, she gets pissed off if you don't let her sleep in your bed, and to get back at you she'll find something thats yours and chew it up. She also knows when its raining and won't go out for a walk. shes proper funny aswell she begs when she wants some attention, she sits up on her back legs and grunts at you.
Horses have amazing personalities ..... I love the stroppy, high strung mares they can be such stressy bitches, love it Chestnut mares are famous for having said attitudes and I had one called Tikka on my yard .... she was such a dickhead at times!!! And then there was Darragh who was quite possibly the cheekiest horse Ive ever come across, he would purposely stomp on your feet whilst you put his rugs on God I miss them