Answer these questions.....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by BRID, Oct 28, 2005.

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  1. Dan Hawkins

    Dan Hawkins $5 $5

    Apr 15, 2004
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    Spain in Washington
    proffesor pike
  2. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    something silly like 85% of brits are dehydrated during the normal working day! is something this country needs to address!!!
  3. Dragon

    Dragon Sunflower lover

    Aug 17, 2004
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    Bishop Auckland
    Re: Answer these questions.....

    Ok so i know nobody will read this but I'm bored and putting off doing uni work so here goes....

    When was the last time you made someone else laugh?
    Earlier today on placement. Dunno why they did tho, cos what I said wasnt funny.

    When was the last time you cried?
    When Lee was really ill :(

    Name one thing your ashamed that you did.
    Being horrible to people when they didnt deserve it :(

    Who is your hero/heroine?
    I honestly dunno!

    Do you ever regret being part of the clubbing lifestyle and its various excesses?
    Well not really because I'm still part of it! I do regret taking so many pills in the past tho, because the come downs really fucked me up after a bit. But hey, I learnt from it.
    Oh and I also regret taking ketamine at Crasher!!

    Where is the next place you want to go in the world? Why?
    South East Asia cos the culture is totally different to ours

    Whats your biggest talent?

    What was the last book you read?
    Winners and Losers by C Collier, about the strikes by miners in Wales in the early 20th century.

    What is the book your reading now?
    I'm reading the da vinci code which i borrowed from lee. It's amazing!

    Do you like your job? Why?
    It's not really a job- I'm a student social worker but I am out on placement. This year I'm with the disabled children and families team based at Newton Aycliffe.. I like it most of the time but I get frustrated because we can provide people with so little when they need so much :(

    Whats your biggest dream or aspiration?
    For myself and those I love to be happy.

    Next year - what would you like to achieve?
    To have finished uni, qualified as a social worker, be working as a social worker, living in Newcastle.

    Do you drive? What car?
    Yeah a Nissan Micra. As soon as I can afford it I'm getting a Peugot 206, although maybe not cos then me and Lee will have matching cars which is a bit tragic!

    What is the TV show you watch the most?
    I hardly ever get chance to watch TV at the mo!

    How much water do you drink a day?
    Hardly any unless I'm out clubbing! [/B][/QUOTE]
  4. Dragon

    Dragon Sunflower lover

    Aug 17, 2004
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    Bishop Auckland
    I reckon he won't really be dead, or his ghost will revisit Harry and guide him thru his mission to destroy Dumbledore in the final book:wink:
  5. Cookee

    Cookee Registered User

    Jul 13, 2003
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    Destroy Voldemort you mean? :p

    My dad doesnt reckon he's dead either cos of Snape saying in Harry's first potions class that there could be a stopper put in death. I think he's a gonna :( Surely he can talk thru the foto's in the head masters room tho? All the others do.
  6. Dragon

    Dragon Sunflower lover

    Aug 17, 2004
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    Bishop Auckland
    Yeah destroy Voldermort I meant :lol:

    I don't reckon Snape'sa baddie either cos it's just too obvious!!

    Ah well we shall just have to wait and see.......!

    Oh and whoever said they were reading One Flew Over The Cookoos Nest, that's a mint book- one of my faves ever!:D:D
  7. Alun

    Alun bouncy bouncy

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Re: Answer these questions.....

  8. mr.K

    mr.K motherfucker

    Dec 11, 2004
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    Re: Answer these questions.....

  9. heather

    heather Balder than Pike!

    May 12, 2004
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    buiding a compost heap...Bill Oddie Rules!
    Re: Re: Answer these questions.....

    When was the last time you made someone else laugh?
    when we were at work the other sunday telling jokes.
    What has four legs and goes Woof?

    A cat doused in petrol.


    When was the last time you cried?
    The other day after i shouted back at a pregnant woman.

    Name one thing your ashamed that you did.
    shouted at a pregnant woman who used to be my friend baasically becue im incredibly jealous.

    Who is your hero/heroine?
    Mummy...shes my rock and who i want to be like when im a mummy.

    Do you ever regret being part of the clubbing lifestyle and its various excesses? was a part of my life im glad that happened...It opened my eyes to life in general...can you believe that i used to think that dance music and illegal drugs wer4e the work of the devil? In fact, i still miss it, but know that i cat just go back for one night and expect to feel how i did before.

    Where is the next place you want to go in the world? Why?
    South Africa...want to do a safari and see whales and great whites on a boat trip.

    Whats your biggest talent?
    can we class my boobs as talent?

    What was the last book you read?
    Lisa Jewell - One Hit Wonder

    What is the book your reading now?
    Marian Keyes - the other side of the story.

    Do you like your job? Why?
    I like my job and hate my job. Im good at it so i like it, but its boring so i hate it. I love the company though, they treat me well, i just want to do something more than sim swaps for the rest of my life.

    Whats your biggest dream or aspiration?
    to be a mother

    Next year - what would you like to achieve?
    To stop renting and get myself a mortgage

    Do you drive? What car?
    Dont drive at all right now, but going to learn once im better..and i want to get a little black old mini and have the roof done in black and white checkerboard.

    What is the TV show you watch the most?
    Atm, southpark..its on paramount every night and moss records it so i put it on when im going to bed.

    How much water do you drink a day?
    How ever much water is in 10 cups of coffee, a bottle f wine, cupa soup and 4 cans of beer?

    just as i was typing this, i got a phone the last time i cried is just now. My dog may have cancer and my mumdoesnt have enough money to make him better.
  10. linzi

    linzi Registered User

    Mar 7, 2004
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    @ the bandstand
    Re: Answer these questions.....

    When was the last time you made someone else laugh?

    this afternoon when my mum came home

    When was the last time you cried?
    i had a littel tear watching tv the other night but had a big massive cry about 2 weeks ago but had a proper good mate there letting me cry no his shoulder :)

    Name one thing your ashamed that you did.
    letting my mum down :(

    Who is your hero/heroine?
    i duno hmmm will come bk to that one

    Do you ever regret being part of the clubbing lifestyle and its various excesses?
    i dont rgeret certain things but some i do especially this time last year i was a total mess glad i aint like that now an prefer to go out for the music not to get trollied

    Where is the next place you want to go in the world? Why?
    australia to see a few mates that are over there for the year and well its just a fasicnating place

    Whats your biggest talent?
    ermm i can play the recorder and the treble bass :oops:

    What was the last book you read?
    harry potter and the goblet of fire

    What is the book your reading now?

    harry potter and the order of the pheonix

    Do you like your job? Why?
    not working at the moment but liked my last posting at the dvla before i left to move up to newcastle

    Whats your biggest dream or aspiration?
    to start on the track of being a manger of a leisure complex home or abroad

    Next year - what would you like to achieve?
    working towards my final carrer goal happy and setteled in newcaslte

    Do you drive? What car?
    i dont drive, i get chauffered :lol:

    What is the TV show you watch the most?

    How much water do you drink a day?
    about 2 litres a day
  11. Sleepy

    Sleepy Registered User

    Mar 15, 2002
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    Re: Answer these questions.....

    When was the last time you made someone else laugh?

    This morning, after waking up the missius when she's on her rag i either had to quickly make her laugh or have me dangler bit off! :lol:

    When was the last time you cried?

    One and only time i ever remember crying, at friends funeral a few months ago.

    Name one thing your ashamed that you did.

    Cant think of anything to be honest (probably cos I forced myself to forget!!)

    Who is your hero/heroine?

    Current girlfriend. She's been thru a lot more than most but still comes out smiling :up:

    Do you ever regret being part of the clubbing lifestyle and its various excesses?

    Absolutely NOT at all! I dont regret anything from my clubbing days, I had some of best times ever and wont ever regret them!

    Where is the next place you want to go in the world? Why?
    New York for xmas one year cos its something Rebecca's always wanted to do, so I want to take her.

    Whats your biggest talent?
    Cheering ppl up!

    What was the last book you read?
    Of Mice and Men (at school!) :lol: - Not a big fan of books.

    What is the book your reading now?

    Do you like your job? Why?
    Somedays I love it, other days I hate it. I think on the whole, the good outweigh's the bad tho :)

    Whats your biggest dream or aspiration?
    To earn enough for me and me other half to not want for anything.

    Next year - what would you like to achieve?
    Develop current skills further and take a step into consultancy to start earning the big bucks.

    Do you drive? What car?
    Yes - current drive a Mini Cooper, soon to be exchanged for a new Golf GT TDI though :)

    What is the TV show you watch the most?
    Probably Soccer AM, but dont watch mutch TV these days.

    How much water do you drink a day?

    Aim for at least 2 litres a day, as it really does make a difference! Makes u feel so much better :up:
  12. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    i am defo not having my corn flakes now
  13. Sleepy

    Sleepy Registered User

    Mar 15, 2002
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    :lol: :lol:

    too much sensitivity for this early mate? :laugh:
  14. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    the thought of you and the makem anne frank running thru fields of poppys just sent me under :(
  15. Harper

    Harper Registered User

    Mar 24, 2002
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    Re: Answer these questions.....

    WHY ?????

    Wots the point???

    you got nothing better to come up with that asking stupid questions.

  16. M.C.E

    M.C.E 1981-2013

    Apr 16, 2002
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    Re: Re: Answer these questions.....

    What the fuck is your problem you mong.

    Has your boyfriend dumped you like?
  17. trance_fan

    trance_fan Registered User

    Nov 7, 2002
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    When was the last time you made someone else laugh?

    Today! I consider this one of the most characterising aspects of my personality.

    When was the last time you cried?

    Grandmas funeral last year

    Name one thing your ashamed that you did.

    I dont really have any big regrets, not quite what the question is getting at.... but I lost a pin badge that my mam and dad gave to me when I was younger and regret that to this day purely for its sentimental value. I wore it to school, they told me not too....

    Who is your hero/heroine?


    Do you ever regret being part of the clubbing lifestyle and its various excesses?

    Nope, stayed off the drugs

    Where is the next place you want to go in the world? Why?

    Austrailia or Japan, so much to see.

    Whats your biggest talent?

    Tough one....good DJ(well, was!), snowboarding, all things geek. I can make people laugh too.

    What was the last book you read?

    The Art of Intrusion by Kevin Mitnick

    What is the book your reading now?

    The World According to Clarkson

    Do you like your job? Why?

    I do. On placement, great experience, in charge of all things IT, can't complain.

    Whats your biggest dream or aspiration?

    To be happily married with a decent pot of cash and a nice motor

    Next year - what would you like to achieve?

    A First Class Honours degree.

    Do you drive? What car?

    Yes, a 1997 Golf CL 1.6

    What is the TV show you watch the most?

    At the minute, Lost, Spooks and The X Factor.

    How much water do you drink a day?

    Usually none....when hungover, about 5 pints.
  18. casy

    casy Dirty Slut

    Oct 27, 2004
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    Random mens beds
    Re: Answer these questions.....

    When was the last time you made someone else laugh?
    probs last night when i was mortal on rose wine and fell over

    When was the last time you cried?
    last night

    Name one thing your ashamed that you did.
    didnt realsie how much someone meant to me until it was too late

    Who is your hero/heroine?
    my grandad

    Do you ever regret being part of the clubbing lifestyle and its various excesses?
    no not at all, ive tried most things...some i wont repeat again but i still love nightlife.... i live for the night :)

    Where is the next place you want to go in the world? Why?
    my dads house as i mis him and then ibiza

    Whats your biggest talent?
    im very good at being a bimbo :lol: and also i can dance...when i can be arsed!

    What was the last book you read?
    i cant remember! it was ages ago.... think it was something on drugs though

    What is the book your reading now?
    i dont like books...they hurt my head

    Do you like your job? Why?
    the money is fantastic i cant wait til i get paid!!

    Whats your biggest dream or aspiration?
    to find my perfect boyfriend and live happily ever after

    Next year - what would you like to achieve?
    as above^^^^ he's gotta be somewhere!

    Do you drive? What car?
    Nope. taking lessons though

    What is the TV show you watch the most?
    hollyoaks and eastenders

    How much water do you drink a day?
    defo not enough! [/B][/QUOTE]
  19. cazz

    cazz Registered User

    Nov 6, 2004
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    ye old washington village
    When was the last time you made someone else laugh?
    This afternoon - at work

    When was the last time you cried?

    Name one thing your ashamed that you did.
    Shopliffted when i was younger, felt terrible when i saw the disappointed look on my mams face

    Who is your hero/heroine?

    Do you ever regret being part of the clubbing lifestyle and its various excesses?
    Occasionally when i see the mountains of debt i am in due to "not getting my prioritys right" also when i think i am gonna die of tiredness. What the hell though ya only live once, i really enjoy it, its part of who i am!

    Where is the next place you want to go in the world? Why?
    London cos its our capital and i have never been, my sister has also just moved there and i wanna visit

    Whats your biggest talent?

    What was the last book you read?
    A child called IT - amazin true story about a boy who was adly abused by his mother as a child

    What is the book your reading now?
    The Lost boy - follow on from the previous book

    Do you like your job? Why?
    I dont mind my job, but hate the hours and I hate the fact that im not qualifield to do something more rewarding, than working in a call centre.

    Whats your biggest dream or aspiration?
    To be happy and to live comfortabley without worrying about money etc.

    Next year - what would you like to achieve?
    I would like to further my education - so i would like to have more qualifications or be working towards some more

    Do you drive? What car?
    Yes - gold fiat punto

    What is the TV show you watch the most?
    errrmm - all the soaps equally .... well eastenders and corrie

    How much water do you drink a day?
    not as much as i should, water on its own prob about 1/2 pint, if ya inlcude juice and tea n coffee then prob about 5 pints
  20. Katie

    Katie Registered User

    May 8, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Whitley Bay
    Re: Re: Answer these questions.....

    When was the last time you made someone else laugh?
    Last night at Henrik B. :p

    When was the last time you cried?

    Name one thing your ashamed that you did.
    I'm ashamed of a few things really! I learn from all of them though.

    Who is your hero/heroine?
    I dont have anybody that stands out, most of my family and friends are my biggest inspiration.

    Do you ever regret being part of the clubbing lifestyle and its various excesses?
    No no no, I am only young anyway. Like brid say I worry about cigarettes and the damage things cause to you and sometimes it does make me feel guilty. You only live once though and Im really glad I have done some clubbing like I have.

    Where is the next place you want to go in the world? Why?
    Taiwan. My mum's over there and Im missing her. I dont fancy it as a place to hang around though...

    Whats your biggest talent?
    Thats a hard one, Im not sure? Probably being able to draw.

    What was the last book you read?
    Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. Really sad story.

    What is the book your reading now?
    My Boyfriend In A Dress by Louise Kean. Lets just say it would'nt be classed as a piece of literature but its a good read!! :p

    Do you like your job? Why?
    Im doing the last year of my A-levels but work part time at Clarks shoe shop which yes, I do like. Working with people of all ages is good, and most the kids are nice too.

    Whats your biggest dream or aspiration?
    To be as happy as I possibly can and know it.

    Next year - what would you like to achieve?
    Start learning Spanish, how to drive, I want to get uni sorted and decide where I am going to go! I have big things to do next year.

    Do you drive? What car?
    See above, I have the money to start just havent got round to it. Really I would like to start before xmas :dunce:

    What is the TV show you watch the most?
    Eastenders, X Factor, really bad list of shows from Living. :D

    How much water do you drink a day?
    No where near enough, but Im eating a lot better recently so Im not going to feel too guilty.


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