But you are a gimop are you not? All your mates are from the Net and you prob chat up girls in chat rooms I bet you never had many mates at school and rarely see anyone from school now cos they thought you were a saddo, we had a few like you at out school, fooking text book
To be fair im gonna stop biting im bored of these losers now, Maybe if they made up a new insult it may get funny but the 4 fingures thing is a bit old hat now, as for conway i hate sad net geeks like that
What makes you so different.... http://www.promisealways.com/forums/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=2097 15.39 posts per day say's own goal to me.
only of late has conway been a regular poster... you however are a renowned messageboard loser of several boards over several years... again cole trickle, coat.
This coming from the bloke who's posted twice as much as me on this board in half the time? Oh yeah, of course I live my life on this board don't I, two posts a day, fucking hell Try getting some new gags mate, I'm laughing my back off at you right now because you couldn't be farther than the truth I come on here when I'm bored (hence my low post count compared to people who have been here just as long as me), you seem to spend most of your mediocre life posting on here