Driving? Do you enjoy it, or see it as a daily chore? I personally enjoy it, listening to some music, or even Talksport Would perfer a faster car, but at the minute my car is a dream to drive after driving our crazy jeep in Thailand
Re: Driving? i enjoy it even though im only doin my lessons. shudnt be long until im behind the wheel of my own motor
love driving. even don't mind rush hour that much any more. just sit back with the tunes on being generally christian to other motorists, might aswell keep it stress free for the sake of 5 minutes! being let loose on some of the roads by derwent reservoir is well mint tho. no fucker around and you can see for miles
Re: Re: Driving? It's ok at the start, but tbh you get sick of driving round at 30mph and doing the same old things, my Dad taught me how to drive years ago, so by the time I was having lessons it was doing my head in
Yeah, got to have that attitude tbf, just sit back and relax, I just wish Cookee could do that. Even better than driving though is going on a jet ski, fucking brilliant that is You have the whole sea/ocean to go on
I like it most of the time yeah. Being stuck in traffic does my head in tho! I find driving to and from my placement quite theraputic-gives me time to unwind. Driving home down the A1 does my head in at times tho- it's such a boring road!
driving is my job , do about 1500 miles week i love it, driving through all the back country lanes in hexam
i'm getting a bit sick of it now, but i think it's more to do with the fact i want a new car. only got a 1.2 corsa (old shape) n i'm rackin the miles on so it's not getting any better! get sick of the A1, drivin from blyth to team valley every day for work, then from blyth to castleford n back on a weekend to see the gf. if/when i get a new car i'm sure i'll love it again though
Love driving, always have, unfortunatley for me buying a car ends up costing shit loads cause i get urges every payday to pimp it in some way Driving = freedom though
Re: Re: Driving? god help us. I rember 2 years ago when you used to claim you were doing 70 in a 30 zone dispite what your instructor said I like driving! But only cos I like my car.
Doing lessons at the mo, still make lots of daft mistakes but still enjoy it so don't care how much money i need to spend to get things right
i'm getting a bit sick of stupid little things with my car, like the lack of power in 4th and 5th gear and the handling and gearchange.. i've no idea why as nothing's really changed but i'm doing shit loads of driving at the minute - my sound system is getting cained and so are my ears. on 11th september i was on 50k miles, i've just hit 52k today - 2000 miles in a month! in 2 weeks i've been to carlisle twice, leeds and back twice (yesterday and today for training), and leicester and burnley, return (700 miles all round in one weekend).. and then i drive for work too.. my car is gonna be worth about £10 if i sell it any later than right now its W reg..
52k is still good for a 99/00 car, you're meant to do 12k/yr on average. my mam's saxo is pushing 57k and thats an 02 lol get yourself a focus nass. you can have a drive in mine if u like. good pull in all gears, 5th is cool watchin it go 70-110+ with ease lol. 4th gear is a little weak and it pulls a little slow from standing in 1st unless you rev it compared to a corsa/saxo, but it's a bigger car. 2nd + 3rd are so much fun aswell! good insurance too for a 1.6
i've done just over 30K in the 17 months i've had me car, ne wonder it's starting to run liek shite!!
I used to love it, used to be my job, but now i hate it. Would much rather be sat at home with me feet up watching tv. I do about 1000 miles a week at the moment. But ive got the car to handle that with ease, loads of power.
I still really enjoy driving but think its cos I've not long got a new car, although I do get sick of it taking me 50mins to drive 10 miles to get to work. When I was on my placement used to do 500 miles a week and started to get sick of driving and my last car was a total death trap by the time I got rid of it Sometimes get sick of driving but I'd be lost without my car
id cry without my car now i think, so used to goin everywhere in it i dont mind sittin in traffic but sometimes i get dead annoyed with other drives cuttin in and being twats!! i like drivin long distance aslong as no traffic coz it flys by if u concentrating on road for 2/3 hrs. but when u hit busy times and takes an extra hr its not good. my ankle always hurts or get cramp in my foot if hav to keep it in same position, not good