Circoloco/dc 10 This Sunday @ Foundation This sunday see's the official circoloco/DC10 party at the foundation nightclub in of four official reunion partys to be held in the uk the foundation will be dressed in all its circoloco glory. The main room see's UNTAMED SOCIETY,JO MILLS RM2 C.J.COSTIGAN, DNO . 9pm-2am/£8nus n b4 10.30/£10 after. txt your name to 07947 219 625 we will txt you back show on the door for £7.00 entry For more info que jump/guestlist etc 07947 219 625 - 07871 958 479 - 0191 261 8985 e
Looking forward to winding down after the last promise with miss jo mills and mr charlie chester himself , We will be doing two for one entry tickets for everybody who comes to promise .
should do a competition like mixmag did aes ago....whoever sent in a phot of themselves in manumission, space and dc10 in the same clothese wins a prize...could do that over the wkend at foundation