Furthest away competition Hi all i dont know if Im furthest away yet (10 and a half hours on the plane) but i thought I`d say hello from Tokyo anyway) hope the last promise was good heard Richard had a nice set (Oh and Doggie if you read this cheers for the cds got them just in time!!!)
Grrr............. you broke my furthest away record of Key West, Florida S'pose I'll just have to go to Aussie-land now then.......
Sorry mate I have just broken my own record I'm there now sending this message from Sydney!!! dont know which other places ya could go maybe new zealand:spangled:
Yer having loads a fun been surfing loads going scuba diving next weekend so that will be class getting a nice 31cm diving knife :evil: (I aint getting in no shark infested waters without it) if I can get it through customs Rozz I sent u a pm so hav a look