Spots Wtf, when i lived in Canada, didn't have any the whole year i was there. Now i've come back ive started getting them again, is the newcastle air dirty or something?
might have somet to do with eating dodgy food or stress. if i have any sarny from greggs i get a spot on me chin within the hour. wierd as fuk but it must be somet i their sarnies that sets em off. bastard that cos greggs sarnies are the boyos
Re: Re: Re: Re: Spots not even the smoggies would want to savour some of roker's finest atmosphere,,,think they'd still rather suck on ici's outlets..
They're a piss take like, a wsh every day with tea tree oil n still i get them now n again :evil: am 21 ffs!
get somet called t zone, its in a blue squeezy bottle with an orangey square logo on it. its got tea tree oil and ginger in it. works wonders