ways to stay awake at work anyone??? ive nearly nodded off bout 3 times in the last hr. glad nobody else is in :spangled: been for a walk and to get some strong coffee im just super bored i think coz im not that tired, i shouldnt b anyway :think:
go to the toilet .... soak loads of toilet paper in water the throw them at the mirror and then hold your head in the sink after youve filled it with cold water for about five seconds ! now then if soaking your head dindnt work dont worry ..... your about to be sacked for what you did to the mirror
ive done all my work and my manager is on holidays for 2 weeks so i cant do anythin!! everythin i was given to do is out of the way and nobody else has anything for me to do lol i think il leave the gettin wet one for today :spangled:
Re: Re: ways to stay awake at work anyone??? lol ive been in bed at 10 or half past til half 7 for the past 3 nites!! im not tired im just bored and restless.
8 hours sleep. don't eat big lunches (spread it out across the day in 3 smaller meals). don't take drugs at the weekend.