Bush's Mother Well Barbara Bush has just shown that she had a lot of input with her sons education making these comments after visiting a shelter for the evacuees from new orleans . 'So many of the people here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this is working very well for them' she then went on to say ' what im hearing , which is sort of scary , is they all want to stay in texas , evryone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality. Just shows you that georegey boy doesnt just take after his dad... She is obviuosly thinking of being the next bush in the white house with comments like that! how insensiteve to the issue can you get :spangled:
peolple were calling the people from new orlenes that survived "refugees". how can they be that in there own country??
lol you gotta love good honest white republicans. damn those niggers for cashing in on a little bad weather.
i think its refuees from other states coming in on boats or summin to rob stuff and get free food and accom!! i think
you do have to wonder how some of these numties get dressed in the morning . how friggin can you get . I think george bush will be doing his sloth impression ! Marma You been bad :spangled:
Cos they are seeking refuge, doesn't matter whether it's in their own state/city/town, they're still refugees.