SLEEP zzzZZZ I cant remember the last time i had a good nights sleep!!! :cry2: I dread goin to bed (to sleep)
same here, i was sleep walking last night aparently...again!!! last time i made a raw bacon sandwich, this time i put a microwave lasagne in turned it on then went back to bed, im gonna ask them to put a lock on the kitchen door incase i burn the house down lol
That will make you worse! When you worry you'll have a bad dream or bad sleep, the anxiety normally makes it happen!! Try to :chill:
i recon a bottle of rum tonight will knock me out like!!! got to try summin for the last 2 weeks i have went to bed about 12 up at 2 wide awake till 5 then back up at 7 wide awake again and not even tired during the day think all the chems i had at dance valley are still pumping round but blood or summin
lol can you imagine what youd look like sleep walking stoned .... youd probs hit evrything around you or in my case eat the contents of the fridge and drink all the cofee in the house ..... i wish i could sleep walk
never seen a sleep walker,,are u the stereotypical zombie with two arms extended in fornt of ursel,,or jus like a severley monged piss head stumbling around an shit???? pissing down the stairs "as u do"
well if u class holding my keks down to piss as hands out infront then yeah im a stereotypical zombie
I never sleep, its horrible. Last night I got a bit :spangled: and when i went to bed just lay there til it was time to get up and I feel rough as fuck.
this board doesnt do anythin for sleep like,,,u come on at 11pm jus to check the crack an ur on for a couple of hours
tried it,,u smoke that much b4 u go to bed an u wake up as wrecked as a mofoe...u sleep like the dead though
i was joking when i said 7. just have a few on a night, space them out the have one about half an hour b4 peepees! when ya get up gan straight in the shower. Buckets + sleep x shower = FRESH AS FUCK
Ive had a horrible weeks sleep. So tired right now. Have gone to bed at reasonable times. Just havent dropped off. Last night i was even in bed before11, but was still awake at 230. I think the last 4 nights i have had 4, 5, 4 and 6 hours sleep. I need 8 hours, can survive on 7, but am just horrible on aything less. Thats 13 hours less than what id like, over 4 nights. It just builds up on you each day, and makes you feel shitter and shitter. Wanted to do Wax On tonight, but i think im just gonna stay in, have a few Stellas to make sure i drop off by midnight, and then not get up till midday tomooro. Should sort me out.
i didnt mean 7 n'all,,,jus thought u meant like 1 or 2 right b4 ur head hits the pillow lovin the equasion