Re: My eyes I hate it when that happens.. I'm kinda blurry at the moment.. and I've gotta be at work in 10 mins
Re: Re: Re: My eyes Its a bitch ain't it.. it leads on to a headache for me.. every morning.. Not to mention my dog allergy kicking off as soon as I wake up.. Sneezing at 50 paces..
Bit blurried eyed atm...hope it clears up soon because I wanna see the air hostesses, as I'll be flying back to England at 12
I have been at work nearly an hr, its killing me looking at the screen any tips for making them better?
Ouch.. you start at 7.. thats nasty! Erm.. do ya drink coffee? That could help cos it relaxes ya or something.. Other than that is there any optrex kicking about??
In Sweden atm...just been visiting my dad for a couple weeks because me mam threw me out. Anyway my left is here so spk ya's soon
I know starting at 7am is a killer like Just finished a coffee, not worked, they are all blood shot, its vile
never ever again, urban was lucky i didnt spit it all over him cos he was laughing, i didnt find it funny